



Added by 917k almost 7 years ago


I am finalizing my first WASD keyboard design for ISO keyboard and I have a few ideas I'd like to run past you guys...

1. Is there a key that works as a keyboard fire button? If not, would it be possible to make the key (|\) directly to the right of the left shift key a fire button?

3. Is it possible to add an additional break key to the unused key (`~) directly under the ESCAPE key?

4. Is it possible to move the inverse video key to the key (menu key) directly to the left of the right side control key?

5. Is it possible to add another paddle mode to the key directly to the right of the space bar (currently inverse video) and another freezer (currently unused) to the 2nd key (right Windows) to the right of the space bar?

6. Is it possible to add a key to toggle the cursor key functionality between joystick and cursor mode? If so, we can replace the second paddle mode key to cursor mode in item 6 above.

7. Is it possible to make F4 a system pause key?

8. Additional shortcuts to system features to fill-on several unused keys:

INSERT KEY- Shortcut to Disk 1 file select from system menu
HOME KEY- Shortcut to Disk 2 file select from system menu
DELETE- Shortcut to Disk 3 file select from system menu
END- Shortcut to Disk 4 file select from system menu
PAGE UP -- Shortcut to CAR file select menu
PAGE DOWN - Rotate USB Joysticks
PRTSCREEN - Toggle Scanlines
Scroll Lock - Step through CPU turbo speed settings

Thank you,

Replies (2)

RE: Keyboard - Added by sadosp almost 7 years ago

Are you there to respond please?

RE: Keyboard - Added by foft almost 7 years ago

Hi, I'm alive! Just sleeping then working.

Yeah we can do all of that. Steve, did you understand the replies I sent you before on the keyboard? As I said we'll implement a custom mapping function though. I don't see why we can't expose all the things you said + multiple mapping. I can't guarantee this will be my priority but I'm sure one of the coders here will emerge from the woodwork and help:-)

1) I think right windows.

5/6) I'd rather leave out paddle mode personally. It was to allow use of the 2600daptor on the mist and I didn't implement it on the eclaire since we have real ports.
