Here there are some quick instructions to setup the a8 core: First as usual, turn off the Chameleon, remove the SD card and disconnect it from the docking station. You need to flash with Chaco these files: NTSC Core (output resolution of 640x480pixels, 59Hz): PAL Core (output resolution of 720x576 pixels, 50Hz): I flashed the cores on Chaco's slots 14 and 15 (Chameleon’s 15 and 16). Then you need to create these folders on the SD card: (root)/atari800/rom/ (root)/atari800/user/ You have to download this file and unzip it: And copy these files to the SD card: System ROM: (root)/atari800/rom/atarixl.rom Basic: (root)/atari800/rom/ataribas.rom And finally you have to save your Atari games,etc. on the folder: (root)/atari800/user/ Here you can see a list of games that have been tested on the a8 core: From the instructions: “When running Atari software a lot of programs need to have basic disable. Hold Option when pressing reset (F8)” -> very important! The core uses the joystick port 1 in the docking station. Complete instructions are here: