--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (c) 2013 mark watson -- I am happy for anyone to use this for non-commercial use. -- If my vhdl files are used commercially or otherwise sold, -- please contact me for explicit permission at scrameta (gmail). -- This applies for source and binary form and derived works. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; USE ieee.math_real.log2; USE ieee.math_real.ceil; USE ieee.math_real.realmax; LIBRARY work; ENTITY atari800core_eclaireXL IS GENERIC ( -- For initial port may help to have no internal_rom : integer := 1; -- if 0 expects it in sdram,is 1:16k os+basic, is 2:... TODO internal_ram : integer := 16384; -- at start of memory map sid : integer := 0; enable_area_scaler : integer := 1; enable_polyphasic_scaler : integer := 0 ); PORT ( CLOCK_50 : IN STD_LOGIC; GPIOA : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(35 DOWNTO 0); EXP : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 DOWNTO 0); PBI_A : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); PBI_D : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); PBI_CLK : OUT STD_LOGIC; PBI_RW_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; PBI_EXTSEL_N : IN STD_LOGIC; PBI_MPD_N : IN STD_LOGIC; PBI_REF_N : IN STD_LOGIC; PBI_IRQ_N : IN STD_LOGIC; PBI_RST_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; CART_S4_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; CART_S5_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; CART_RD4 : IN STD_LOGIC; CART_RD5 : IN STD_LOGIC; CART_CCTL_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; SIO_CLOCKIN : INOUT STD_LOGIC; SIO_CLOCKOUT : OUT STD_LOGIC; SIO_IN : INOUT STD_LOGIC; SIO_IRQ : IN STD_LOGIC; SIO_OUT : OUT STD_LOGIC; SIO_COMMAND : INOUT STD_LOGIC; SIO_PROCEED : IN STD_LOGIC; SIO_MOTOR_RAW : INOUT STD_LOGIC; SER_CMD : OUT STD_LOGIC; SER_TX : OUT STD_LOGIC; SER_RX : IN STD_LOGIC; PORTA : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); TRIG : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0); POTIN : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); POTRESET : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_BA_0 : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_BA_1 : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_CS_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_RAS_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_CAS_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_WE_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_LDQM : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_UDQM : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_CLK : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_CKE : OUT STD_LOGIC; DRAM_ADDR : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(12 DOWNTO 0); DRAM_DQ : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); SD_WRITEPROTECT : IN STD_LOGIC; SD_DETECT : IN STD_LOGIC; SD_DAT1 : OUT STD_LOGIC; SD_DAT0 : IN STD_LOGIC; SD_CLK : OUT STD_LOGIC; SD_CMD : OUT STD_LOGIC; SD_DAT3 : OUT STD_LOGIC; SD_DAT2 : OUT STD_LOGIC; VGA_VS : OUT STD_LOGIC; VGA_HS : OUT STD_LOGIC; VGA_B : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_G : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_R : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_BLANK_N : OUT STD_LOGIC; VGA_CLK : OUT STD_LOGIC; AUDIO_LEFT : OUT STD_LOGIC; AUDIO_RIGHT : OUT STD_LOGIC; USB2DM: INOUT STD_LOGIC; USB2DP: INOUT STD_LOGIC; USB1DM: INOUT STD_LOGIC; USB1DP: INOUT STD_LOGIC; ADC_SDA: INOUT STD_LOGIC; ADC_SCL: INOUT STD_LOGIC ); END atari800core_eclaireXL; ARCHITECTURE vhdl OF atari800core_eclaireXL IS component hq_dac port ( reset :in std_logic; clk :in std_logic; clk_ena : in std_logic; pcm_in : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); dac_out : out std_logic ); end component; component pll_gclk port ( refclk : in std_logic := '0'; -- refclk.clk rst : in std_logic := '0'; -- reset.reset outclk_0 : out std_logic -- outclk0.clk ); end component; component pll_hdmi is port ( refclk : in std_logic := '0'; -- refclk.clk rst : in std_logic := '0'; -- reset.reset outclk_0 : out std_logic; -- outclk0.clk locked : out std_logic -- locked.export ); end component; component pll_hdmi2 port ( refclk : in std_logic := '0'; -- refclk.clk rst : in std_logic := '0'; -- reset.reset outclk_0 : out std_logic; -- outclk0.clk outclk_1 : out std_logic; -- outclk1.clk locked : out std_logic -- locked.export ); end component; component pll_acore port ( refclk : in std_logic := '0'; -- refclk.clk rst : in std_logic := '0'; -- reset.reset outclk_0 : out std_logic; -- outclk0.clk outclk_1 : out std_logic; -- outclk1.clk outclk_2 : out std_logic; -- outclk2.clk outclk_3 : out std_logic; -- outclk3.clk locked : out std_logic; -- locked.export reconfig_to_pll : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- reconfig_to_pll.reconfig_to_pll reconfig_from_pll : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) -- reconfig_from_pll.reconfig_from_pll ); end component; component pll_acore_reconfig port ( mgmt_clk : in std_logic := '0'; -- mgmt_clk.clk mgmt_reset : in std_logic := '0'; -- mgmt_reset.reset mgmt_waitrequest : out std_logic; -- mgmt_avalon_slave.waitrequest mgmt_read : in std_logic := '0'; -- .read mgmt_write : in std_logic := '0'; -- .write mgmt_readdata : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- .readdata mgmt_address : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- .address mgmt_writedata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- .writedata reconfig_to_pll : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- reconfig_to_pll.reconfig_to_pll reconfig_from_pll : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0') -- reconfig_from_pll.reconfig_from_pll ); end component; component ddioclkctrl is port ( inclk3x : in std_logic := '0'; -- altclkctrl_input.inclk3x inclk2x : in std_logic := '0'; -- .inclk2x inclk1x : in std_logic := '0'; -- .inclk1x inclk0x : in std_logic := '0'; -- .inclk0x clkselect : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- .clkselect ena : in std_logic := '0'; -- .ena outclk : out std_logic -- altclkctrl_output.outclk ); end component; component clkctrl is port ( inclk : in std_logic := '0'; -- altclkctrl_input.inclk ena : in std_logic := '0'; -- .ena outclk : out std_logic -- altclkctrl_output.outclk ); end component; component clkctrl2 is port ( inclk3x : in std_logic := 'X'; -- inclk3x inclk2x : in std_logic := 'X'; -- inclk2x inclk1x : in std_logic := 'X'; -- inclk1x inclk0x : in std_logic := 'X'; -- inclk0x clkselect : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- clkselect outclk : out std_logic -- outclk ); end component; component pll_usb is port ( refclk : in std_logic := '0'; -- refclk.clk rst : in std_logic := '0'; -- reset.reset outclk_0 : out std_logic; -- outclk0.clk outclk_1 : out std_logic; -- outclk1.clk locked : out std_logic -- locked.export ); end component; component pll_fifo IS PORT ( data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (37 DOWNTO 0); rdclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; rdreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; wrclk : IN STD_LOGIC ; wrreq : IN STD_LOGIC ; q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (37 DOWNTO 0); rdempty : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END component; component sfl is port ( asmi_access_granted : in std_logic := '0'; -- asmi_access_granted.asmi_access_granted asmi_access_request : out std_logic; -- asmi_access_request.asmi_access_request data_in : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- data_in.data_in data_oe : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- data_oe.data_oe data_out : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- data_out.data_out dclk_in : in std_logic := '0'; -- dclk_in.dclkin ncso_in : in std_logic := '0'; -- ncso_in.scein noe_in : in std_logic := '0' -- noe_in.noe ); end component; -- SYSTEM SIGNAL GCLOCK_54 : STD_LOGIC; -- Only 2 fplls can use the pin! SIGNAL GCLOCK_148_5 : STD_LOGIC; -- Only 2 fplls can use the pin! SIGNAL CLK : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLK_1x : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLK_114 : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLK_SDRAM : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL RESET_N : STD_LOGIC; signal SDRAM_RESET_N : std_logic; SIGNAL PLL_LOCKED : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLK_PIXEL_IN : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLK_HDMI_IN : STD_LOGIC; signal CLK_PIXEL_SWITCH : STD_LOGIC; --SIGNAL CLK_7425_PIXEL_IN : STD_LOGIC; --SIGNAL CLK_7425_HDMI_IN : STD_LOGIC; --SIGNAL CLK_27_PIXEL_IN : STD_LOGIC; --SIGNAL CLK_27_HDMI_IN : STD_LOGIC; signal clk_hdmi_select : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); SIGNAL CLK_raw : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLK_1x_raw : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CLK_114_raw : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL DRAM_CLK_raw : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL PLL_ENABLE : STD_LOGIC; -- PIA SIGNAL CA1_IN : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CB1_IN: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CA2_OUT : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CA2_DIR_OUT: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CB2_OUT : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CB2_DIR_OUT: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CA2_IN: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CB2_IN: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL PORTA_IN : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL PORTA_OUT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL PORTA_DIR_OUT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL PORTB_IN : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL PORTB_OUT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); --SIGNAL PORTB_DIR_OUT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); -- GTIA signal GTIA_TRIG : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- ANTIC signal ANTIC_LIGHTPEN : std_logic; signal ANTIC_TURBO : std_logic; -- CARTRIDGE ACCESS SIGNAL ACART_S4_n : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL ACART_S5_n : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL ACART_CCTL_n : STD_LOGIC; -- PBI SIGNAL PBI_WRITE_DATA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); SIGNAL PBI_WIDTH_32BIT_ACCESS : std_logic; SIGNAL PBI_WIDTH_16BIT_ACCESS : std_logic; SIGNAL PBI_WIDTH_8BIT_ACCESS : std_logic; -- INTERNAL ROM/RAM SIGNAL RAM_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(18 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL RAM_DO : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL RAM_REQUEST : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL RAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL RAM_WRITE_ENABLE : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL ROM_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(21 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL ROM_DO : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL ROM_REQUEST : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL ROM_REQUEST_COMPLETE : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL ROM_WRITE_ENABLE : STD_LOGIC; -- SDRAM signal SDRAM_REQUEST : std_logic; signal SDRAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE : std_logic; signal SDRAM_READ_ENABLE : STD_LOGIC; signal SDRAM_WRITE_ENABLE : std_logic; signal SDRAM_ADDR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(22 DOWNTO 0); signal SDRAM_DO : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); signal ANTIC_REFRESH : std_logic; -- pokey keyboard SIGNAL KEYBOARD_SCAN : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); SIGNAL KEYBOARD_RESPONSE : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal atari_keyboard : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- gtia consol keys SIGNAL CONSOL_START : std_logic; SIGNAL CONSOL_SELECT : std_logic; SIGNAL CONSOL_OPTION : std_logic; -- SIO SIGNAL ASIO_RXD : std_logic; SIGNAL ASIO_TXD : std_logic; SIGNAL ASIO_CLOCKOUT : std_logic; SIGNAL ASIO_CLOCKIN_IN : std_logic; SIGNAL ASIO_CLOCKIN_OUT : std_logic; SIGNAL ASIO_CLOCKIN_OE : std_logic; -- VIDEO signal VIDEO_VS : std_logic; signal VIDEO_HS : std_logic; signal VIDEO_CS : std_logic; signal VIDEO_BLANK : std_logic; signal VIDEO_BURST : std_logic; signal VIDEO_ODD_LINE : std_logic; -- post scandoubler... signal VIDEO_R : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VIDEO_G : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VIDEO_B : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VIDEO_VSYNC : std_logic; signal VIDEO_HSYNC : std_logic; -- AUDIO signal AUDIO_L_PCM : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal AUDIO_R_PCM : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- dma/virtual drive signal DMA_ADDR_FETCH : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); signal DMA_WRITE_DATA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal DMA_FETCH : std_logic; signal DMA_32BIT_WRITE_ENABLE : std_logic; signal DMA_16BIT_WRITE_ENABLE : std_logic; signal DMA_8BIT_WRITE_ENABLE : std_logic; signal DMA_READ_ENABLE : std_logic; signal DMA_MEMORY_READY : std_logic; signal DMA_MEMORY_DATA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal SNOOP_DATA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal SNOOP_DATA_READY : std_logic; signal ZPU_ADDR_ROM : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal ZPU_ROM_DATA : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal ZPU_OUT1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal ZPU_OUT2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal ZPU_OUT3 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal ZPU_OUT4 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal ZPU_OUT6 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal ZPU_OUT7 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal zpu_pokey_enable : std_logic; signal zpu_sio_txd : std_logic; signal zpu_sio_rxd : std_logic; signal zpu_sio_command : std_logic; SIGNAL FKEYS : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- system control from zpu signal ram_select : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal reset_atari_request : std_logic; --just a request since on atari 800 its an antic nmi, while on xl/xe its plumbed to reset signal reset_atari : std_logic; signal antic_rnmi_n : std_logic; signal pause_atari : std_logic; SIGNAL speed_6502 : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); signal turbo_vblank_only : std_logic; signal emulated_cartridge_select: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); signal key_type : std_logic; signal atari800mode : std_logic; -- GPIO signal POT_RESET : std_logic; signal POT_IN : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal PBI_WRITE_ENABLE : std_logic; signal PBI_ADDRESS : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal pbi_disable : std_logic; signal pbi_external : std_logic; signal pbi_takeover : std_logic; signal pbi_release : std_logic; signal pbi_request : std_logic; signal pbi_request_complete : std_logic; signal pbi_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal pbi_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal enable_179_early : std_logic; -- scandoubler signal half_scandouble_enable_reg : std_logic; signal half_scandouble_enable_next : std_logic; signal ATARI_COLOUR : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- freezer signal freezer_enable : std_logic; signal freezer_activate: std_logic; signal freezer_state: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- ps2 signal PS2_KEYS : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0); signal PS2_KEYS_NEXT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0); -- usb signal CLK_USB : std_logic; signal USBWireVPin : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal USBWireVMin : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal USBWireVPout : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal USBWireVMout : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal USBWireOE_n : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- CONFIG SIGNAL ROM_IN_RAM : STD_LOGIC; -- svideo signal svideo_dac_clk : std_logic; signal svideo_ecs_clk : std_logic; signal svideo_c : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); -- composite SIGNAL svideo_yout : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL svideo_yout_dly1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL svideo_yout_dly2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL svideo_yout_dly3 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); --SIGNAL svideo_cout : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL cvbs1_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL cvbs2_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL luma : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL chroma : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL luma_saturated : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 DOWNTO 0); -- pbi bus signal bus_data_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal bus_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal bus_data_oe : std_logic; signal bus_addr_out : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal bus_addr_oe : std_logic; signal bus_write_n : std_logic; signal bus_s4_n : std_logic; signal bus_s5_n : std_logic; signal bus_cctl_n : std_logic; signal bus_control_oe : std_logic; signal bus_phi2 : std_logic; signal mpd_n : std_logic; -- pll switching signal pll_state_reg : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); signal pll_state_next : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); constant PLL_STATE_WAIT : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00"; constant PLL_STATE_WRITE : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "01"; constant PLL_STATE_PAUSE : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10"; signal pll_write_acore : std_logic; signal pll_fifo_data : std_logic_vector(37 downto 0); signal pll_fifo_read : std_logic; signal pll_fifo_empty : std_logic; signal zpu_pll_addr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 2); signal zpu_pll_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal zpu_pll_write : std_logic; signal pll_acore_reconfig_to_pll : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); signal pll_acore_reconfig_from_pll : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); signal pll_acore_locked : std_logic; signal pll_hdmi_locked : std_logic; signal pll_hdmi1_locked : std_logic; signal pll_hdmi2_locked : std_logic; signal pll_pause_counter_reg : std_logic_vector(25 downto 0); signal pll_pause_counter_next : std_logic_vector(25 downto 0); signal pll_enable_reg : std_logic; signal pll_enable_next : std_logic; -- video settings signal pal : std_logic; signal scandouble : std_logic; signal scanlines : std_logic; signal csync : std_logic; signal video_mode : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal scandoubler_format : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- vga on 480p/576p/800x600 (exact!) signal adj_hsync : std_logic; signal adj_vsync : std_logic; signal adj_blank : std_logic; signal adj_red : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal adj_green : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal adj_blue : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- hdtv signal tmds_h : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tmds_l : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal reset_n_next : std_logic; signal reset_n_reg : std_logic; signal reset_n_reg_sync : std_logic; -- video via ddr out (to support HDMI) signal VGA_R_H : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_R_L : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_G_H : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_G_L : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_B_H : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_B_L : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_R_H_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_R_L_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_G_H_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_G_L_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_B_H_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal VGA_B_L_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal DDIO_OUT : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); signal DDIO_OUT_CLK : std_logic; signal SELECT_DDIO_CLK : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- adc signal adc_reg : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); signal adc_busy_reg : std_logic; signal adc_toggle_reg : std_logic; signal adc_next : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); signal adc_busy_next : std_logic; signal adc_toggle_next : std_logic; signal adc_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ADC_SDA_WEN : std_logic; signal ADC_SCL_WEN : std_logic; -- spi flash signal spi_flash_select : std_logic; signal spi_flash_di : std_logic; signal spi_do : std_logic; signal spi_clk : std_logic; -- scaler signal scaler_sda : std_logic; signal scaler_scl : std_logic; signal scaler_master_sda_wen : std_logic; signal scaler_master_scl_wen : std_logic; signal scaler_slave_sda_wen : std_logic; signal scaler_slave_scl_wen : std_logic; function to_std_logic(i : in integer) return std_logic is begin if i = 0 then return '0'; end if; return '1'; end function; BEGIN SD_DAT2<='Z'; SD_DAT1<='Z'; -- ANYTHING NOT CONNECTED... EXP <= (others=>'Z'); GPIOA <= (others=>'Z'); sdram_adaptor : entity work.sdram_statemachine GENERIC MAP(ADDRESS_WIDTH => 22, AP_BIT => 10, COLUMN_WIDTH => 8, ROW_WIDTH => 12 ) PORT MAP(CLK_SYSTEM => CLK, CLK_SDRAM => CLK_SDRAM, RESET_N => RESET_N, READ_EN => SDRAM_READ_ENABLE, WRITE_EN => SDRAM_WRITE_ENABLE, REQUEST => SDRAM_REQUEST, BYTE_ACCESS => PBI_WIDTH_8BIT_ACCESS, WORD_ACCESS => PBI_WIDTH_16BIT_ACCESS, LONGWORD_ACCESS => PBI_WIDTH_32BIT_ACCESS, REFRESH => ANTIC_REFRESH, ADDRESS_IN => SDRAM_ADDR, DATA_IN => PBI_WRITE_DATA(31 downto 0), SDRAM_DQ => DRAM_DQ, COMPLETE => SDRAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE, SDRAM_BA0 => DRAM_BA_0, SDRAM_BA1 => DRAM_BA_1, SDRAM_CKE => DRAM_CKE, SDRAM_CS_N => DRAM_CS_N, SDRAM_RAS_N => DRAM_RAS_N, SDRAM_CAS_N => DRAM_CAS_N, SDRAM_WE_N => DRAM_WE_N, SDRAM_ldqm => DRAM_LDQM, SDRAM_udqm => DRAM_UDQM, DATA_OUT => SDRAM_DO, SDRAM_ADDR => DRAM_ADDR(11 downto 0), reset_client_n => SDRAM_RESET_N ); DRAM_ADDR(12) <= '0'; -- PIA mapping -- emulate pull-up on command line PORTB_IN <= PORTB_OUT; -- Internal rom/ram internalromram1 : entity work.internalromram GENERIC MAP ( internal_rom => internal_rom, internal_ram => internal_ram ) PORT MAP ( clock => CLK, reset_n => RESET_N, ROM_ADDR => ROM_ADDR, ROM_WR_ENABLE => ROM_WRITE_ENABLE, ROM_DATA_IN => PBI_WRITE_DATA(7 downto 0), ROM_REQUEST_COMPLETE => ROM_REQUEST_COMPLETE, ROM_REQUEST => ROM_REQUEST, ROM_DATA => ROM_DO, RAM_ADDR => RAM_ADDR, RAM_WR_ENABLE => RAM_WRITE_ENABLE, RAM_DATA_IN => PBI_WRITE_DATA(7 downto 0), RAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE => RAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE, RAM_REQUEST => RAM_REQUEST, RAM_DATA => RAM_DO(7 downto 0) ); -- JOYSTICK/PADDLES -- TODO synchronizers!!! PORTA_gen: for I in 0 to 7 generate -- Only drive low, there are pull-ups PORTA(I) <= PORTA_OUT(I) when PORTA_DIR_OUT(I)='1' and PORTA_OUT(I)='0' else 'Z'; end generate PORTA_gen; PORTA_IN <= PORTA; --POT_IN <= "0000"&NOT(POTIN); POT_IN <= "0000"&POTIN; POTRESET <= POT_RESET; GTIA_TRIG <= "11"&TRIG(1 downto 0); ANTIC_LIGHTPEN <= TRIG(0) and TRIG(1); -- either joystick button --SIO ASIO_CLOCKIN_IN <= SIO_CLOCKIN; SIO_CLOCKIN <= ASIO_CLOCKIN_OUT when ASIO_CLOCKIN_OE='1' else 'Z'; SIO_CLOCKOUT <= ASIO_CLOCKOUT; ----CB1=SIO_IRQ ----CB2=SIO_COMMAND ----CA1=SIO_PROCEED ----CA2=SIO_MOTOR_RAW CB1_in <= SIO_IRQ; SIO_COMMAND <= '0' when (CB2_DIR_OUT and NOT(CB2_OUT))='1' else 'Z'; CB2_in <= SIO_COMMAND; CA1_in <= SIO_PROCEED; SIO_MOTOR_RAW <= '0' when (CA2_DIR_OUT and NOT(CA2_OUT))='1' else 'Z'; CA2_in <= SIO_MOTOR_RAW; SER_CMD <= CB2_OUT when CB2_DIR_OUT='1' else '1'; SER_TX <= ASIO_TXD; --ASIO_RXD <= zpu_sio_txd and SIO_IN and SER_RX; ASIO_RXD <= SIO_IN; SIO_IN <= '0' when (zpu_sio_txd and SER_RX)='0' else 'Z'; zpu_sio_rxd <= ASIO_TXD; zpu_sio_command <= CB2_OUT when CB2_DIR_OUT='1' else '1'; SIO_OUT <= ASIO_TXD when ASIO_TXD='0' else 'Z'; -- Cartridge/PBI pbi_disable <= antic_turbo when speed_6502="000001" else '1'; --pbi_disable <= '1'; --pbi_disable <= '0' when speed_6502="101001" else '1'; --pbi_disable <= '0'; bus_adaptor : ENTITY work.pbi6502 PORT MAP ( CLK => clk, RESET_N => RESET_N and SDRAM_RESET_N and not(reset_atari), -- FPGA side ENABLE_179_EARLY =>enable_179_early, REQUEST => pbi_request, ADDR_IN => pbi_addr, DATA_IN => pbi_write_data(7 downto 0), -- TODO, how about reads, need to expose them on the bus for anything? WRITE_IN => pbi_write_enable, PORTB => portb_out, ANTIC_REFRESH => antic_refresh, EXTERNAL_ACCESS => pbi_external, TAKEOVER => pbi_takeover, RELEASE => pbi_release, DISABLE => pbi_disable, COMPLETE => pbi_request_complete, MPD_N => mpd_n, SNOOP_DATA_IN => snoop_data(7 downto 0), SNOOP_DATA_READY => snoop_data_ready, DATA_OUT => pbi_data, -- 6502 side BUS_DATA_IN => PBI_D, BUS_PHI1 => open, BUS_PHI2 => bus_phi2, --BUS_SUBCYCLE => open, BUS_ADDR_OUT => bus_addr_out, BUS_ADDR_OE => bus_addr_oe, BUS_DATA_OUT => bus_data_out, BUS_DATA_OE => bus_data_oe, BUS_WRITE_N => bus_write_n, BUS_S4_N => bus_s4_n, BUS_S5_N => bus_s5_n, BUS_CCTL_N => bus_cctl_n, BUS_D1XX_N => open, -- FOR ECI TODO BUS_CONTROL_OE => bus_control_oe, BUS_CASINH_N => open, BUS_CASINH_OE => open, BUS_CAS_N => open, BUS_RAS_N => open, BUS_RD4 => cart_rd4, BUS_RD5 => cart_rd5, PBI_MPD_N => pbi_mpd_n, PBI_REF_N => pbi_ref_n, PBI_EXTSEL_N => pbi_extsel_n ); CART_CCTL_N <= bus_cctl_n when bus_control_oe='1' else 'Z'; CART_S4_N <= bus_s4_n when bus_control_oe='1' else 'Z'; CART_S5_N <= bus_s5_n when bus_control_oe='1' else 'Z'; --PBI_CAS_N <= bus_cas_n when bus_control_oe='1' else 'Z'; --PBI_RAS_N <= bus_ras_n when bus_control_oe='1' else 'Z'; --PBI_CASINH_N <= bus_casinh_n when bus_casinh_oe='1' else 'Z'; PBI_A <= bus_addr_out when bus_addr_oe='1' else (others=>'Z'); PBI_D <= bus_data_out when bus_data_oe='1' else (others=>'Z'); PBI_CLK <= bus_phi2; PBI_RW_N <= bus_write_n; PBI_RST_N <= '0' when (RESET_N and not(reset_atari))='0' else '1'; process(clk,RESET_N,SDRAM_RESET_N,reset_atari) begin if ((RESET_N and SDRAM_RESET_N and not(reset_atari))='0') then half_scandouble_enable_reg <= '0'; elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then half_scandouble_enable_reg <= half_scandouble_enable_next; end if; end process; half_scandouble_enable_next <= not(half_scandouble_enable_reg); scandoubler : entity work.scandoubler GENERIC MAP ( video_bits=>8 ) PORT MAP(CLK => CLK, RESET_N => RESET_N and SDRAM_RESET_N and not(reset_atari), VGA => scandouble, COMPOSITE_ON_HSYNC => csync, colour_enable => half_scandouble_enable_reg, doubled_enable => '1', scanlines_on => scanlines, vsync_in => VIDEO_VS, hsync_in => VIDEO_HS, csync_in => VIDEO_CS, pal => PAL, colour_in => ATARI_COLOUR, VSYNC => VIDEO_VSYNC, HSYNC => VIDEO_HSYNC, B => VIDEO_B, G => VIDEO_G, R => VIDEO_R); pll_acore_inst : pll_acore PORT MAP(refclk => CLOCK_50, outclk_0 => CLK_114_raw, -- 4x outclk_1 => DRAM_CLK_raw, -- 4x 180 degrees outclk_2 => CLK_raw, -- 2x outclk_3 => CLK_1x_raw, -- 1x reconfig_to_pll => pll_acore_reconfig_to_pll, reconfig_from_pll => pll_acore_reconfig_from_pll, locked => PLL_ACORE_LOCKED); clkctrl1: clkctrl port map ( inclk => CLK_114_raw, ena => pll_enable_reg, outclk => CLK_114 ); clkctrl2i: clkctrl port map ( inclk => DRAM_CLK_raw, ena => pll_enable_reg, outclk => DRAM_CLK ); clkctrl3: clkctrl port map ( inclk => CLK_raw, ena => pll_enable_reg, outclk => CLK ); clkctrl4: clkctrl port map ( inclk => CLK_1x_raw, ena => pll_enable_reg, outclk => CLK_1x ); SVIDEO_ECS_CLK <= CLK_1x; -- simple state machine for pll choice process (CLOCK_50) begin if (CLOCK_50'event and CLOCK_50='1') then pll_state_reg <= pll_state_next; pll_pause_counter_reg <= pll_pause_counter_next; pll_enable_reg <= pll_enable_next; reset_n_reg <= reset_n_next; end if; end process; reset_n <= reset_n_reg_sync; reset_synchronizer : entity work.synchronizer port map (clk=>clk, raw=>reset_n_reg, sync=>reset_n_reg_sync); pll_fifo_int : pll_fifo PORT MAP ( data => zpu_pll_addr(7 downto 2)&zpu_pll_data, wrclk => CLK, wrreq => zpu_pll_write, rdclk => CLOCK_50, rdreq => pll_fifo_read, q => pll_fifo_data, rdempty => pll_fifo_empty ); -- pll_fifo_data, pll_fifo_empty - come from zpu... process (pll_state_reg, pll_fifo_empty, pll_fifo_data, pll_pause_counter_reg, pll_enable_reg, pll_acore_locked) begin pll_state_next <= pll_state_reg; reset_n_next <= pll_acore_locked; pll_pause_counter_next <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(pll_pause_counter_reg)+1); pll_write_acore <= '0'; pll_fifo_read <= '0'; pll_enable_next <= pll_enable_reg; case pll_state_reg is when PLL_STATE_WAIT => pll_enable_next <= '1'; if (pll_fifo_empty = '0') then pll_state_next <= PLL_STATE_WRITE; pll_fifo_read <= '1'; end if; when PLL_STATE_WRITE => pll_write_acore <= '1'; if (pll_fifo_data(37 downto 32) = "000010") then pll_state_next <= PLL_STATE_PAUSE; pll_pause_counter_next <= (others=>'0'); pll_enable_next <= '0'; else pll_state_next <= PLL_STATE_WAIT; end if; when PLL_STATE_PAUSE => reset_n_next <= '1'; if (pll_pause_counter_reg(25) = '1') then pll_state_next <= PLL_STATE_WAIT; end if; when others => pll_state_next <= PLL_STATE_WAIT; end case; end process; pll_acore_reconfig_inst : pll_acore_reconfig port map ( mgmt_clk => CLOCK_50, mgmt_reset => '0', mgmt_waitrequest => open, mgmt_read => '0', mgmt_write => pll_write_acore, mgmt_readdata => open, mgmt_address => pll_fifo_data(37 downto 32), mgmt_writedata => pll_fifo_data(31 downto 0), reconfig_to_pll => pll_acore_reconfig_to_pll, reconfig_from_pll => pll_acore_reconfig_from_pll ); pll_hdmi_inst : pll_hdmi PORT MAP(refclk => GCLOCK_54, outclk_0 => GCLOCK_148_5, locked => open); u0 : clkctrl2 port map ( inclk3x => GCLOCK_54, -- altclkctrl_input.inclk3x inclk2x => GCLOCK_148_5, -- .inclk2x -- inclk1x => CLOCK_50, -- .inclk1x < builds/works -- inclk0x => CLOCK_50, -- .inclk0x -- inclk1x => CLKGEN_CLK2, -- .inclk1x < fails to build -- inclk0x => CLKGEN_CLK0, -- .inclk0x inclk1x => CLOCK_50, -- .inclk1x inclk0x => CLOCK_50, -- .inclk0x clkselect => clk_hdmi_select(1 downto 0), -- .clkselect outclk => CLK_PIXEL_SWITCH -- altclkctrl_output.outclk ); --CLK_HDMI_IN <= CLK_PIXEL_IN; pll_hdmi2_inst : pll_hdmi2 PORT MAP(refclk => CLK_PIXEL_SWITCH, locked => PLL_HDMI_LOCKED, outclk_0 => CLK_PIXEL_IN, outclk_1 => CLK_HDMI_IN); --PLL_HDMI_LOCKED <= PLL_HDMI1_LOCKED and PLL_HDMI2_LOCKED; --CLK_PIXEL_IN <= CLK_7425_PIXEL_IN; --CLK_HDMI_IN <= CLK_7425_HDMI_IN; --clkctrl2_1: clkctrl2 --port map ( -- inclk0x => CLOCK_50, -- inclk1x => '0', -- => CLK_7425_PIXEL_IN, -- inclk3x => CLK_27_PIXEL_IN, -- clkselect => '1'&clk_hdmi_select, -- ena => '1', -- outclk => CLK_PIXEL_IN --); -- --clkctrl2_2: clkctrl2 --port map ( -- inclk0x => CLOCK_50, -- inclk1x => '0', -- inclk2x => , -- inclk3x => CLK_27_HDMI_IN, -- clkselect => '1'&clk_hdmi_select, -- ena => '1', -- outclk => CLK_HDMI_IN --); -- --end generate; CLK_SDRAM <= CLK_114; SVIDEO_DAC_CLK <= CLK_114; -- only if acore reconfigured to a suitable exact frequency (28.385 or 28.636363) -- USB2DM: INOUT STD_LOGIC; -- USB2DP: INOUT STD_LOGIC; -- USB1DM: INOUT STD_LOGIC; -- USB1DP: INOUT STD_LOGIC; USB2DM <= USBWireVMout(0) when USBWireOE_n(0)='0' else 'Z'; USB2DP <= USBWireVPout(0) when USBWireOE_n(0)='0' else 'Z'; USBWireVMin(0) <= USB2DM; USBWireVPin(0) <= USB2DP; USB1DM <= USBWireVMout(1) when USBWireOE_n(1)='0' else 'Z'; USB1DP <= USBWireVPout(1) when USBWireOE_n(1)='0' else 'Z'; USBWireVMin(1) <= USB1DM; USBWireVPin(1) <= USB1DP; pllusbinstance : pll_usb PORT MAP(refclk => CLOCK_50, outclk_0 => CLK_USB, outclk_1 => GCLOCK_54, locked => open); -- PS2 to pokey keyboard_map1 : entity work.ps2_to_atari800 GENERIC MAP ( ps2_enable => 1, direct_enable => 1 ) PORT MAP ( CLK => clk, RESET_N => reset_n, PS2_CLK => '1', -- No PS2... PS2_DAT => '1', -- No PS2... INPUT => zpu_out4, KEY_TYPE => key_type, ATARI_KEYBOARD_OUT => atari_keyboard, KEYBOARD_SCAN => KEYBOARD_SCAN, KEYBOARD_RESPONSE => KEYBOARD_RESPONSE, CONSOL_START => CONSOL_START, CONSOL_SELECT => CONSOL_SELECT, CONSOL_OPTION => CONSOL_OPTION, FKEYS => FKEYS, FREEZER_ACTIVATE => freezer_activate, PS2_KEYS_NEXT_OUT => ps2_keys_next, PS2_KEYS => ps2_keys ); -- VIDEO --VGA_HS <= not(VIDEO_HS xor VIDEO_VS); --VGA_VS <= not(VIDEO_VS); process(reset_atari_request,atari800mode) begin reset_atari <= '0'; antic_rnmi_n <= '1'; if (atari800mode='1' and fkeys(9)='0') then antic_rnmi_n <= not(reset_atari_request); else reset_atari <= reset_atari_request; end if; end process; atari800 : entity work.atari800core GENERIC MAP ( cycle_length => 32, video_bits => 8, palette => 0, internal_ram => internal_ram, freezer_debug => 1, sid => sid ) PORT MAP ( CLK => CLK, RESET_N => RESET_N and SDRAM_RESET_N and not(reset_atari), VIDEO_VS => VIDEO_VS, VIDEO_HS => VIDEO_HS, VIDEO_CS => VIDEO_CS, VIDEO_B => ATARI_COLOUR, VIDEO_G => open, VIDEO_R => open, VIDEO_BLANK => VIDEO_BLANK, VIDEO_BURST => VIDEO_BURST, VIDEO_START_OF_FIELD => open, VIDEO_ODD_LINE => VIDEO_ODD_LINE, AUDIO_L => AUDIO_L_PCM, AUDIO_R => AUDIO_R_PCM, SIO_AUDIO => ADC_REG(9 downto 2), CA1_IN => CA1_IN, CB1_IN => CB1_IN, CA2_IN => CA2_IN, CA2_OUT => CA2_OUT, CA2_DIR_OUT => CA2_DIR_OUT, CB2_IN => CB2_IN, CB2_OUT => CB2_OUT, CB2_DIR_OUT => CB2_DIR_OUT, PORTA_IN => PORTA_IN and not("0000"&ps2_keys(16#174#)&ps2_keys(16#16B#)&ps2_keys(16#172#)&ps2_keys(16#175#)) and not(zpu_out3(0)&zpu_out3(1)&zpu_out3(2)&zpu_out3(3)&zpu_out2(0)&zpu_out2(1)&zpu_out2(2)&zpu_out2(3)), PORTA_DIR_OUT => PORTA_DIR_OUT, PORTA_OUT => PORTA_OUT, PORTB_IN => PORTB_IN, PORTB_DIR_OUT => open,--PORTB_DIR_OUT, PORTB_OUT => PORTB_OUT, KEYBOARD_RESPONSE => KEYBOARD_RESPONSE, KEYBOARD_SCAN => KEYBOARD_SCAN, POT_IN => POT_IN, POT_RESET => POT_RESET, ENABLE_179_EARLY => ENABLE_179_EARLY, PBI_ADDR => PBI_ADDR, PBI_WRITE_ENABLE => PBI_WRITE_ENABLE, PBI_SNOOP_DATA => SNOOP_DATA, PBI_SNOOP_READY => SNOOP_DATA_READY, PBI_WRITE_DATA => PBI_WRITE_DATA, PBI_WIDTH_8bit_ACCESS => PBI_WIDTH_8bit_ACCESS, PBI_WIDTH_16bit_ACCESS => PBI_WIDTH_16bit_ACCESS, PBI_WIDTH_32bit_ACCESS => PBI_WIDTH_32bit_ACCESS, PBI_IRQ_N => PBI_IRQ_N, PBI_ROM_DO => pbi_data, PBI_REQUEST => pbi_request, PBI_REQUEST_COMPLETE => pbi_request_complete, PBI_TAKEOVER => pbi_takeover, PBI_RELEASE => pbi_release, PBI_DISABLE => pbi_disable, CART_RD5 => CART_RD5, PBI_MPD_N => MPD_N, SIO_RXD => ASIO_RXD, SIO_TXD => ASIO_TXD, SIO_CLOCKIN_IN => ASIO_CLOCKIN_IN, SIO_CLOCKIN_OUT => ASIO_CLOCKIN_OUT, SIO_CLOCKIN_OE => ASIO_CLOCKIN_OE, SIO_CLOCKOUT => ASIO_CLOCKOUT, CONSOL_OPTION => CONSOL_OPTION, CONSOL_SELECT => CONSOL_SELECT, CONSOL_START=> CONSOL_START, GTIA_TRIG => GTIA_TRIG and not("000"&ps2_keys(16#127#)) and not("00"&zpu_out3(4)&zpu_out2(4)), ANTIC_LIGHTPEN => ANTIC_LIGHTPEN, SDRAM_REQUEST => SDRAM_REQUEST, SDRAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE => SDRAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE, SDRAM_READ_ENABLE => SDRAM_READ_ENABLE, SDRAM_WRITE_ENABLE => SDRAM_WRITE_ENABLE, SDRAM_ADDR => SDRAM_ADDR, SDRAM_DO => SDRAM_DO, ANTIC_REFRESH => ANTIC_REFRESH, ANTIC_TURBO => ANTIC_TURBO, ANTIC_RNMI_N => ANTIC_RNMI_N, RAM_ADDR => RAM_ADDR, RAM_DO => RAM_DO, RAM_REQUEST => RAM_REQUEST, RAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE => RAM_REQUEST_COMPLETE, RAM_WRITE_ENABLE => RAM_WRITE_ENABLE, ROM_ADDR => ROM_ADDR, ROM_DO => ROM_DO, ROM_REQUEST => ROM_REQUEST, ROM_REQUEST_COMPLETE => ROM_REQUEST_COMPLETE, ROM_WRITE_ENABLE => ROM_WRITE_ENABLE, DMA_FETCH => dma_fetch, DMA_READ_ENABLE => dma_read_enable, DMA_32BIT_WRITE_ENABLE => dma_32bit_write_enable, DMA_16BIT_WRITE_ENABLE => dma_16bit_write_enable, DMA_8BIT_WRITE_ENABLE => dma_8bit_write_enable, DMA_ADDR => dma_addr_fetch, DMA_WRITE_DATA => dma_write_data, MEMORY_READY_DMA => dma_memory_ready, RAM_SELECT => ram_select, CART_EMULATION_SELECT => emulated_cartridge_select, PAL => PAL, ROM_IN_RAM => ROM_IN_RAM, THROTTLE_COUNT_6502 => speed_6502, TURBO_VBLANK_ONLY => turbo_vblank_only, HALT => pause_atari, ATARI800MODE => atari800mode, freezer_enable => freezer_enable, freezer_activate => freezer_activate, freezer_state_out => freezer_state, freezer_debug_addr => zpu_out7(15 downto 0), freezer_debug_data => zpu_out7(23 downto 16), freezer_debug_read => zpu_out7(24), freezer_debug_write => zpu_out7(25), freezer_debug_data_match => zpu_out7(26) --RAM_SELECT => "001", --CART_EMULATION_SELECT => (others=>'0'), --PAL => '0', --ROM_IN_RAM => '0', --THROTTLE_COUNT_6502 => "000001", --HALT => '0', --freezer_enable => '0', --freezer_activate => '0', --freezer_state_out => open, ); ROM_IN_RAM <= '1' when internal_rom=0 else '0'; zpu: entity work.zpucore GENERIC MAP ( platform => 1, spi_clock_div => 2, -- 28MHz/2. Max for SD cards is 25MHz... memory => 8192, usb => 2, nMHz_clock_div => 48 ) PORT MAP ( -- standard... CLK => CLK, RESET_N => RESET_N and sdram_reset_n, -- dma bus master (with manclk_hdmi_selecty waitstates...) ZPU_ADDR_FETCH => dma_addr_fetch, ZPU_DATA_OUT => dma_write_data, ZPU_FETCH => dma_fetch, ZPU_32BIT_WRITE_ENABLE => dma_32bit_write_enable, ZPU_16BIT_WRITE_ENABLE => dma_16bit_write_enable, ZPU_8BIT_WRITE_ENABLE => dma_8bit_write_enable, ZPU_READ_ENABLE => dma_read_enable, ZPU_MEMORY_READY => dma_memory_ready, ZPU_MEMORY_DATA => snoop_data, -- rom bus master -- data on next cycle after addri2c0_sda ZPU_ADDR_ROM => zpu_addr_rom, ZPU_ROM_DATA => zpu_rom_data, -- settings bus master ZPU_PLL_WRITE => zpu_pll_write, ZPU_PLL_DATA => zpu_pll_data, ZPU_PLL_ADDR => zpu_pll_addr, -- spi master -- Too painful to bit bang spi from zpu, so we have a hardware master in here ZPU_SPI_DI => sd_dat0 and spi_flash_di, ZPU_SPI_CLK => spi_clk, ZPU_SPI_DO => spi_do, ZPU_SPI_SELECT0 => sd_dat3, ZPU_SPI_SELECT1 => spi_flash_select, -- SIO -- Ditto for speaking to Atari, we have a built in Pokey ZPU_POKEY_ENABLE => zpu_pokey_enable, ZPU_SIO_TXD => zpu_sio_txd, ZPU_SIO_RXD => zpu_sio_rxd, ZPU_SIO_COMMAND => zpu_sio_command, ZPU_SIO_CLK => ASIO_CLOCKOUT, -- external control -- switches etc. sector DMA blah blah. ZPU_IN1 => X"000"& sd_writeprotect&sd_detect& (atari_keyboard(28))&ps2_keys(16#5A#)&ps2_keys(16#174#)&ps2_keys(16#16B#)&ps2_keys(16#172#)&ps2_keys(16#175#)& -- (esc)FLRDU FKEYS, ZPU_IN2 => X"00000000", ZPU_IN3 => atari_keyboard(31 downto 0), ZPU_IN4 => atari_keyboard(63 downto 32), -- ouputs - e.g. Atari system control, halt, throttle, rom select ZPU_OUT1 => zpu_out1, ZPU_OUT2 => zpu_out2, ZPU_OUT3 => zpu_out3, ZPU_OUT4 => zpu_out4, ZPU_OUT5 => open, ZPU_OUT6 => zpu_out6, ZPU_OUT7 => zpu_out7, -- USB host CLK_nMHz => CLK_USB, CLK_USB => CLK_USB, USBWireVPin => USBWireVPin, USBWireVMin => USBWireVMin, USBWireVPout => USBWireVPout, USBWireVMout => USBWireVMout, USBWireOE_n => USBWireOE_n, i2c0_sda_in => scaler_sda, i2c0_scl_in => scaler_scl, i2c0_sda_wen => scaler_master_sda_wen, i2c0_scl_wen => scaler_master_scl_wen ); pause_atari <= zpu_out1(0); reset_atari_request <= zpu_out1(1); speed_6502 <= zpu_out1(7 downto 2); ram_select <= zpu_out1(10 downto 8); atari800mode <= zpu_out1(11); emulated_cartridge_select <= zpu_out1(22 downto 17); freezer_enable <= zpu_out1(25); key_type <= zpu_out1(26); turbo_vblank_only <= zpu_out1(31); video_mode <= zpu_out6(2 downto 0); PAL <= zpu_out6(4); scanlines <= zpu_out6(5); csync <= zpu_out6(6); --BIT_REG(,0x02,26,video,zpu_out1) --BIT_REG(,0x01,28,tv,zpu_out1) --BIT_REG(,0x01,29,scanlines,zpu_out1) --BIT_REG(,0x01,30,csync,zpu_out1) --#define VIDEO_RGB 0 00 --#define VIDEO_VGA 1 01 --#define VIDEO_SVIDEO 2 10 --#define VIDEO_HDMI 3 11 sfl_spi : sfl port map( asmi_access_granted => '0', asmi_access_request => open, data_in(0) => spi_do, data_in(1) => 'Z', data_in(2) => 'Z', data_in(3) => 'Z', data_oe(0) => '1', data_oe(1) => '0', data_oe(2) => '0', data_oe(3) => '0', data_out(0) => open, data_out(1) => spi_flash_di, data_out(2) => open, data_out(3) => open, dclk_in => spi_clk, ncso_in => spi_flash_select, noe_in => '0' -- ? ); sd_cmd <= spi_do; sd_clk <= spi_clk; zpu_rom1: entity work.zpu_rom port map( clock => clk, address => zpu_addr_rom(15 downto 2), q => zpu_rom_data ); enable_179_clock_div_zpu_pokey : entity work.enable_divider generic map (COUNT=>32) -- cycle_length port map(clk=>clk,reset_n=>reset_n,enable_in=>'1',enable_out=>zpu_pokey_enable); dac_left : hq_dac port map ( reset => not(reset_n), clk => clk, clk_ena => '1', pcm_in => AUDIO_L_PCM&"0000", dac_out => AUDIO_LEFT ); dac_right : hq_dac port map ( reset => not(reset_n), clk => clk, clk_ena => '1', pcm_in => AUDIO_R_PCM&"0000", dac_out => AUDIO_RIGHT ); adc_i2c : entity work.i2c_master GENERIC MAP( input_clk => 58_000_000, --input clock speed from user logic in Hz - approx bus_clk => 400_000) --speed the i2c bus (scl) will run at in Hz PORT MAP( clk => CLK, reset_n => RESET_N, ena => '1', addr => "1001101", rw => '1', data_wr => "00000000", busy => adc_busy_next, data_rd => adc_in, ack_error => open, sda_wen => ADC_SDA_WEN, scl_wen => ADC_SCL_WEN, sda_in => ADC_SDA, scl_in => ADC_SCL); ADC_SDA <= '0' when ADC_SDA_WEN='1' else 'Z'; ADC_SCL <= '0' when ADC_SCL_WEN='1' else 'Z'; process(adc_reg,adc_in,adc_toggle_reg,adc_busy_next,adc_busy_reg) begin adc_next <= adc_reg; adc_toggle_next <= adc_toggle_reg; -- toggle_reg starts at 0 -- first hit: command send 0 -- second hit: high byte 1 -- third hit: low byte 0 -- etc if (adc_busy_reg='1' and adc_busy_next='0') then adc_toggle_next <= not(adc_toggle_reg); if (adc_toggle_reg = '0') then adc_next(9 downto 6) <= adc_in(3 downto 0); else adc_next(5 downto 0) <= adc_in(7 downto 2); end if; end if; end process; process(clk,reset_n) begin if (reset_n='0') then adc_busy_reg <= '0'; adc_reg <= (others=>'0'); adc_toggle_reg <= '0'; elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then adc_reg <= adc_next; adc_busy_reg <= adc_busy_next; adc_toggle_reg <= adc_toggle_next; end if; end process; process(clk_raw,clk_114_raw,video_mode,adj_red,adj_green,adj_blue,adj_vsync,adj_hsync,adj_blank,VIDEO_R,VIDEO_G,VIDEO_B,VIDEO_BLANK,VIDEO_VSYNC,VIDEO_HSYNC,svideo_yout,svideo_c,cvbs2_out,tmds_h,tmds_l,CLK,CLK_PIXEL_IN) begin VGA_R_H <= (others=>'0'); VGA_R_L <= (others=>'0'); VGA_G_H <= (others=>'0'); VGA_G_L <= (others=>'0'); VGA_B_H <= (others=>'0'); VGA_B_L <= (others=>'0'); VGA_BLANK_N <= '0'; VGA_CLK <= '0'; SELECT_DDIO_CLK <= "10"; SCANDOUBLE <= '0'; VGA_VS <= VIDEO_VSYNC; VGA_HS <= VIDEO_HSYNC; SCANDOUBLER_FORMAT <= "00"; -- original RGB -- scandoubled RGB (works on some vga devices...) -- svideo -- hdmi with audio -- dvi (i.e. no preamble or audio) -- vga exact mode case video_mode is when "000" => VGA_R_H <= VIDEO_R; VGA_R_L <= VIDEO_R; VGA_G_H <= VIDEO_G; VGA_G_L <= VIDEO_G; VGA_B_H <= VIDEO_B; VGA_B_L <= VIDEO_B; VGA_BLANK_N <= not(VIDEO_BLANK); VGA_CLK <= CLK_RAW; when "001" => VGA_R_H <= VIDEO_R; VGA_R_L <= VIDEO_R; VGA_G_H <= VIDEO_G; VGA_G_L <= VIDEO_G; VGA_B_H <= VIDEO_B; VGA_B_L <= VIDEO_B; VGA_BLANK_N <= '1'; -- TODO VGA_CLK <= CLK_RAW; SCANDOUBLE <= '1'; when "010" => VGA_R_H <= svideo_yout; VGA_R_L <= svideo_yout; VGA_G_H <= svideo_c&"00"; VGA_G_L <= svideo_c&"00"; VGA_B_H <= svideo_yout; VGA_B_L <= svideo_yout; VGA_BLANK_N <= '1'; -- TODO VGA_CLK <= CLK_114_RAW; when "011" => --480p/576p over HDMI VGA_R_H(0) <= TMDS_H(7); -- D2P VGA_R_H(1) <= TMDS_H(6); -- D2N VGA_R_H(4) <= TMDS_H(5); -- D1P VGA_R_H(3) <= TMDS_H(4); -- D1N VGA_B_H(1) <= TMDS_H(2); -- D0N VGA_B_H(4) <= TMDS_H(3); -- D0P VGA_B_H(5) <= TMDS_H(0); -- C N VGA_B_H(6) <= TMDS_H(1); -- C P VGA_R_L(0) <= TMDS_L(7); -- D2P VGA_R_L(1) <= TMDS_L(6); -- D2N VGA_R_L(4) <= TMDS_L(5); -- D1P VGA_R_L(3) <= TMDS_L(4); -- D1N VGA_B_L(1) <= TMDS_L(2); -- D0N VGA_B_L(4) <= TMDS_L(3); -- D0P VGA_B_L(5) <= TMDS_L(0); -- C N VGA_B_L(6) <= TMDS_L(1); -- C P SELECT_DDIO_CLK <= "11"; SCANDOUBLER_FORMAT <= "10"; when "100" => --480p/576p over DVI VGA_R_H(0) <= TMDS_H(7); -- D2P VGA_R_H(1) <= TMDS_H(6); -- D2N VGA_R_H(4) <= TMDS_H(5); -- D1P VGA_R_H(3) <= TMDS_H(4); -- D1N VGA_B_H(1) <= TMDS_H(2); -- D0N VGA_B_H(4) <= TMDS_H(3); -- D0P VGA_B_H(5) <= TMDS_H(0); -- C N VGA_B_H(6) <= TMDS_H(1); -- C P VGA_R_L(0) <= TMDS_L(7); -- D2P VGA_R_L(1) <= TMDS_L(6); -- D2N VGA_R_L(4) <= TMDS_L(5); -- D1P VGA_R_L(3) <= TMDS_L(4); -- D1N VGA_B_L(1) <= TMDS_L(2); -- D0N VGA_B_L(4) <= TMDS_L(3); -- D0P VGA_B_L(5) <= TMDS_L(0); -- C N VGA_B_L(6) <= TMDS_L(1); -- C P SELECT_DDIO_CLK <= "11"; SCANDOUBLER_FORMAT <= "01"; when "101" => --480p/576p over VGA! VGA_R_H <= adj_red; VGA_R_L <= adj_red; VGA_G_H <= adj_green; VGA_G_L <= adj_green; VGA_B_H <= adj_blue; VGA_B_L <= adj_blue; VGA_BLANK_N <= not(adj_blank); VGA_VS <= adj_vsync; VGA_HS <= adj_hsync; VGA_CLK <= CLK_PIXEL_IN; SELECT_DDIO_CLK <= "11"; SCANDOUBLER_FORMAT <= "00"; when "110" => -- composite VGA_R_H <= cvbs2_out(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_R_L <= cvbs2_out(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_G_H <= cvbs2_out(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_G_L <= cvbs2_out(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_B_H <= cvbs2_out(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_B_L <= cvbs2_out(7 DOWNTO 0); VGA_BLANK_N <= '1'; -- TODO VGA_CLK <= CLK_114_RAW; when others => end case; end process; --DDIO_OUT_CLK <= CLK_HDMI_IN when HDMI else CLK; ddioclkctrl1 : ddioclkctrl port map ( inclk3x => CLK_HDMI_IN, inclk2x => CLK_RAW, --Not acceptable to use CLK --inclk1x => CLOCK_50, --inclk0x => CLK_PIXEL_IN, ena => pll_enable_reg, clkselect => SELECT_DDIO_CLK, outclk => DDIO_OUT_CLK ); process(ddio_out_clk) begin if (ddio_out_clk'event and ddio_out_clk='1') then VGA_R_H_reg <= VGA_R_H; VGA_G_H_reg <= VGA_G_H; VGA_B_H_reg <= VGA_B_H; VGA_R_L_reg <= VGA_R_L; VGA_G_L_reg <= VGA_G_L; VGA_B_L_reg <= VGA_B_L; end if; end process; ddio_inst : entity work.altddio_out1 port map ( datain_h => VGA_R_H_reg&VGA_G_H_reg&VGA_B_H_reg, datain_l => VGA_R_L_reg&VGA_G_L_reg&VGA_B_L_reg, outclock => DDIO_OUT_CLK, dataout => DDIO_OUT); VGA_R <= DDIO_OUT(23 downto 16); VGA_G <= DDIO_OUT(15 downto 8); VGA_B <= DDIO_OUT(7 downto 0); -- SVIDEO COMPONENT svideo_imple : entity work.svideo PORT MAP ( areset_n => RESET_N, ecs_clk => SVIDEO_ECS_CLK, dac_clk => SVIDEO_DAC_CLK, r_in => VIDEO_R, g_in => VIDEO_G, b_in => VIDEO_B, sof => VIDEO_VS, -- base on vsync? vpos_lsb => VIDEO_ODD_LINE, blank => VIDEO_BLANK, burst => VIDEO_BURST, csync_n => not(VIDEO_CS), y_out => svideo_yout, c_out => svideo_c, luma_out => luma, chroma_out => chroma, pal_ntsc => not(pal) ); --------------------------------- -- process for CVBS output (TODO - merge this into the svideo.vhd component, as an option...) --------------------------------- -- cvbs_block: PROCESS ( svideo_dac_clk, svideo_yout_dly1, svideo_yout_dly2, svideo_yout_dly3 ) BEGIN IF (rising_edge(svideo_dac_clk)) THEN svideo_yout_dly1 <= svideo_yout; svideo_yout_dly2 <= svideo_yout_dly1; svideo_yout_dly3 <= svideo_yout_dly2; luma_saturated <= luma - "0000011111"; cvbs1_out <= luma_saturated + (chroma(8) & chroma(8 DOWNTO 0)) ; IF (svideo_yout_dly2 = "00000000") THEN cvbs2_out <= "00000000"; ELSE cvbs2_out <= cvbs1_out(9 DOWNTO 2); END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; -- HDMI scandoubler_hdmi_int : work.scandoubler_hdmi GENERIC MAP ( enable_area_scaler => enable_area_scaler, enable_polyphasic_scaler => enable_polyphasic_scaler ) PORT MAP ( CLK_ATARI_IN => CLK, RESET_N => RESET_N, audio_left => audio_l_pcm, audio_right => audio_r_pcm, -- GTIA interface pal => pal, scanlines_on => scanlines, csync_on => csync, format => scandoubler_format, colour_enable => half_scandouble_enable_reg, colour_in => atari_colour, vsync_in => VIDEO_VS, hsync_in => VIDEO_HS, --HDMI clock domain CLK_HDMI_IN => clk_hdmi_in, CLK_PIXEL_IN => clk_pixel_in, CLK_HDMI_SELECT => clk_hdmi_select, O_hsync => adj_hsync, O_vsync => adj_vsync, O_blank => adj_blank, O_red => adj_red, O_green => adj_green, O_blue => adj_blue, -- TO TV... O_TMDS_H => tmds_h, O_TMDS_L => tmds_l, -- I2C scl_in => scaler_scl, sda_in => scaler_sda, scl_wen => scaler_slave_scl_wen, sda_wen => scaler_slave_sda_wen ); scaler_scl <= '0' when (scaler_slave_scl_wen or scaler_master_scl_wen)='1' else '1'; scaler_sda <= '0' when (scaler_slave_sda_wen or scaler_master_sda_wen)='1' else '1'; END vhdl;