-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Turbo Chameleon -- -- Multi purpose FPGA expansion for the Commodore 64 computer -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright 2005-2017 by Peter Wendrich (pwsoft@syntiac.com) -- http://www.syntiac.com -- -- This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published -- by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Keyboard/joystick readout in cartridge mode -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- clk - system clock -- ena_1mhz - Enable must be '1' one clk cycle each 1 Mhz. -- no_clock - High when there is no phi-2 clock, the joystick and keyboard -- information will be unavailable. -- reset - system reset -- -- ba - Status of the BA line on the cartridge port -- req - Toggles to perform a C64 access -- ack - Acknoledge of the C64 access, becomes equal to req when complete. -- we - Low performs read access, high performs write access -- a - Address for C64 access -- d - Data input from the C64 cartridge port -- q - Data output for write accesses -- -- joystick* - Joystick outputs (fire2, fire1, right, left, down, up) low active -- keys - State of the keyboard (low is pressed) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- entity chameleon_c64_joykeyb is generic ( enable_4player : boolean ); port ( clk : in std_logic; ena_1mhz : in std_logic; no_clock : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; -- To C64 cartridge logic ba : in std_logic; req : out std_logic; ack : in std_logic; we : out std_logic; a : out unsigned(15 downto 0); d : in unsigned(7 downto 0); q : out unsigned(7 downto 0); joystick1 : out unsigned(5 downto 0); joystick2 : out unsigned(5 downto 0); joystick3 : out unsigned(5 downto 0); joystick4 : out unsigned(5 downto 0); -- 0 = col0, row0 -- 1 = col1, row0 -- 8 = col0, row1 -- 63 = col7, row7 keys : out unsigned(63 downto 0) ); end entity; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture rtl of chameleon_c64_joykeyb is type state_t is ( INIT_RESET, INIT_DISABLE_VIC, INIT_DISABLE_MOB, INIT_CIA1_A, INIT_CIA1_B, INIT_CIA2_B, --INIT_CIA2_A, , SET_COL, READ_ROW, STORE_ROW, SET_NOCOL, READ_JOY_EXTRA1, READ_JOY_EXTRA2, READ_JOY_EXTRA3, READ_JOY1, STORE_JOY1, STORE_JOY2, READ_JOY34, STORE_JOY34); signal state : state_t := INIT_RESET; signal req_reg : std_logic := '0'; signal joy34_flag : std_logic := '0'; signal cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal pot_flag : std_logic := '0'; signal potcnt : unsigned(9 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal col : integer range 0 to 7 := 0; signal keys_reg : unsigned(63 downto 0) := (others => '1'); signal last_keys_reg : unsigned(63 downto 0) := (others => '1'); signal approved_keys_reg : unsigned(63 downto 0) := (others => '1'); signal joystick1_reg : unsigned(4 downto 0); signal joystick1_prev_reg : unsigned(4 downto 0); signal joystick2_prev_reg : unsigned(4 downto 0); begin keys <= approved_keys_reg; req <= req_reg; process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if ena_1mhz = '1' then cnt <= cnt - 1; if cnt = 0 then cnt <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; if (req_reg = ack) and (ba = '1') and (cnt = 0) then we <= '-'; a <= (others => '-'); q <= (others => '-'); case state is when INIT_RESET => if (reset = '0') and (ba = '1') then state <= INIT_DISABLE_VIC; end if; when INIT_DISABLE_VIC => -- Turn off VIC-II raster DMA, so we don't have to deal with BA. we <= '1'; a <= X"D011"; q <= X"00"; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= INIT_DISABLE_MOB; when INIT_DISABLE_MOB => -- Turn off VIC-II sprite DMA, so we don't have to deal with BA. we <= '1'; a <= X"D015"; q <= X"00"; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= INIT_CIA1_A; when INIT_CIA1_A => -- Set keyboard columns port (joy2) to output we <= '1'; a <= X"DC02"; q <= X"FF"; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= INIT_CIA1_B; when INIT_CIA1_B => -- Set keyboard rows port (joy1) to input we <= '1'; a <= X"DC03"; q <= X"00"; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= SET_COL; if enable_4player then state <= INIT_CIA2_B; end if; when INIT_CIA2_B => -- Set CIA2 port B for 4 player adapter -- Bit7 output and others input. we <= '1'; a <= X"DD03"; q <= X"80"; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= SET_COL; when SET_COL => we <= '1'; a <= X"DC00"; q <= to_unsigned(255 - 2**col, 8); req_reg <= not req_reg; cnt <= (others => '1'); state <= READ_ROW; when READ_ROW => we <= '0'; a <= X"DC01"; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= STORE_ROW; when STORE_ROW => keys_reg(0 + col) <= d(0); keys_reg(8 + col) <= d(1); keys_reg(16 + col) <= d(2); keys_reg(24 + col) <= d(3); keys_reg(32 + col) <= d(4); keys_reg(40 + col) <= d(5); keys_reg(48 + col) <= d(6); keys_reg(56 + col) <= d(7); if col /= 7 then col <= col + 1; state <= SET_COL; else col <= 0; state <= SET_NOCOL; end if; when SET_NOCOL => we <= '1'; a <= X"DC00"; if pot_flag = '0' then q <= X"BF"; -- paddle port 1 else q <= X"7F"; -- paddle port 2 end if; req_reg <= not req_reg; cnt <= (others => '1'); potcnt <= potcnt + 1; if potcnt(9) = '1' then potcnt <= "0000000000"; pot_flag <= not pot_flag; state <= READ_JOY_EXTRA1; else state <= SET_NOCOL; -- wait end if; when READ_JOY_EXTRA1 => we <= '0'; a <= X"D419"; -- POTX req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= READ_JOY_EXTRA2; when READ_JOY_EXTRA2 => we <= '0'; a <= X"D41A"; -- POTY req_reg <= not req_reg; if pot_flag = '0' then joystick1(5) <= d(7); -- paddle port 1 else joystick2(5) <= d(7); -- paddle port 2 end if; state <= READ_JOY_EXTRA3; when READ_JOY_EXTRA3 => we <= '1'; a <= X"DC00"; q <= X"FF"; req_reg <= not req_reg; if pot_flag = '0' then joystick3(5) <= d(7); -- paddle port 1 else joystick4(5) <= d(7); -- paddle port 2 end if; state <= READ_JOY1; when READ_JOY1 => -- read joystick port 1 we <= '0'; a <= X"DC01"; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= STORE_JOY1; when STORE_JOY1 => -- read joystick port 2 we <= '0'; a <= X"DC00"; req_reg <= not req_reg; joystick1(4 downto 0) <= d(4 downto 0); joystick1_prev_reg <= joystick1_reg; joystick1_reg <= d(4 downto 0); state <= STORE_JOY2; when STORE_JOY2 => joystick2(4 downto 0) <= d(4 downto 0); state <= SET_COL; if enable_4player then state <= READ_JOY34; end if; last_keys_reg <= keys_reg; if ((joystick1_reg and d(4 downto 0) and joystick1_prev_reg and joystick2_prev_reg) = "11111" and last_keys_reg = keys_reg) then approved_keys_reg <= keys_reg; end if; joystick2_prev_reg <= d(4 downto 0); when READ_JOY34 => -- read user port for joystick 3 or 4 we <= '0'; a <= X"DD01"; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= STORE_JOY34; when STORE_JOY34 => joystick3(4) <= d(5); joystick4(4) <= d(4); if joy34_flag = '0' then joystick4(3 downto 0) <= d(3 downto 0); else joystick3(3 downto 0) <= d(3 downto 0); end if; -- select the other joystick (3 or 4) on the userport we <= '1'; a <= X"DD01"; q <= joy34_flag & "0000000"; joy34_flag <= not joy34_flag; req_reg <= not req_reg; state <= SET_COL; when OTHERS => state <= INIT_RESET; end case; end if; if reset = '1' then state <= INIT_RESET; end if; if no_clock = '1' then joystick1 <= (others => '1'); joystick2 <= (others => '1'); joystick3 <= (others => '1'); joystick4 <= (others => '1'); keys_reg <= (others => '1'); end if; if not enable_4player then joystick3 <= (others => '1'); joystick4 <= (others => '1'); end if; end if; end process; end architecture;